Executive Summary


Throughout history, life on Earth has been nearly destroyed five times, with the threats ranging from the intense ice age to volcanoes, asteroids hitting the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago, eradicating dinosaurs and other primaeval species. Nature has always existed in cycles, with each period lasting for millions of years. Human industrialism has enjoyed exponential growth in the last 150 years. This period has also coincided with a reversal of a natural cycle that has persisted for over 10.000 years. Some experts believe we have entered the sixth mass extinction, the first one exclusively triggered by human activity.

The Problem

Weather disruption due to climate change has led to more frequent floods, heatwaves, droughts, and storms. Water scarcity is gradually becoming a global issue, with about 1.6 billion people estimated to be without access to fresh drinking water by 2030. Attempts to salvage the situation have failed due to geographical limitations, overconsumption, and contamination, as we have seen private citizens, corporations, and institutions acquire water sources for speculative purposes. Significant investments have been committed to acquiring this essential natural resource, aiming to turn a profit when water becomes more scarce. This trend amplifies the problem of access to clean drinking water and takes further away from securing this fundamental human right for everyone.

The Solution/Our Vision

We acknowledge the sacredness of natural resources and are inspired by ancient civilizations to secure abundant life on earth using modern technology to plan for seven (7) generations. The Water150 project aims to accentuate decentralization so that anyone can engage in water ecosystems by facilitating access to natural freshwater flow through blockchain technology. We aim to secure this scarce resource through the Longhouse Foundation, a foundation built on the pillars of planning for seven generations, as inspired by our ancestors, to enable the true democratization of water within 150 years. This whitepaper explores the importance of water to life on earth and its potential in humanity’s future. We will summarize the process of the evolution of water from a regenerative element enabling life on earth. We will also present a self-sufficient ecosystem around a scarce resource (water), a utility token which allows holders to receive water supply - the Water150 token. When this project is fully operational, it will have 1,000 water wells supporting 210 billion tokens forever. For every secured one liter flow of drinking water, there will be one Water150 token in the system. Water150 token provides access to water for yourself and your family based on the inherent rights associated with the token within the ecosystem we facilitate. The Water150 token secures rights to the most important resource on earth – clean drinking water. The Water150 token assures a yearly allocation of drinking water for holders according to their token holdings. These yearly allocations renew every year due to the flowing and continuous refilling by nature. Hence, the Water150 token is a regenerative subscription that continuously supports your requirements for clean drinking water, and for the wellbeing of humanity and the planet.

Our method

The Longhouse Foundation has developed an ecosystem to progress its vision with a three-pillar model - Secure, Engage, and Unite. The Water150 project and Longhouse Foundation will work as allies under this model.


By securing the availability and accessibility of water sources through Longhouse’s wells (drilled, acquired, or third-party controlled), we can ensure the sufficient supply of natural, clean, and fresh drinking water for the population estimates for the year 2100 – 10.5 billion people.


Once engaged in this project, we can facilitate a model suited to securing the water wells that are fundamental to Water150’s ecosystem. We have designed a model that supports and protects the rights of the most vulnerable people in the world. Through a utility token supported by access to one liter of clean flowing drinking water, the Water150 token will support a sustainable and beneficial ecosystem for everyone on earth. This ecosystem secures and provides drinking water along with educational initiatives, training, conferences, and tutorials. Finally, the Longhouse Foundation will drill wells and develop and allocate funds for charitable causes through the blockchain.


We aim to use this model to inspire a grassroots movement to spread knowledge about water and its importance to life on our planet. These local movements will leverage blockchain technology to facilitate decentralization and eliminate unnecessary intermediaries to allow token holders to enjoy direct access to fresh water sources. We aim to use blockchain technology to decentralize and democratize ownership and control of water sources. In addition, Longhouse’s unique organizational structure, governed by a foundation, will allow it to eliminate all external interests, even from the founders and other interested partners, within ten (10) years. By the end of the 10-year period, Longhouse will be a true decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).


The ultimate goal of the Water150 project is to connect blockchain technology to a real-world asset. Token by token, we will find the ‘true value of water,’ just as bitcoin created ‘proof of work,’ which evolved into Ethereum's ‘proof of stake.’ The Water150 token has the potential to create a new class of utility tokens defined as ‘proof of life,’ enabling and securing abundant life on earth for the next seven generations.


  • Water flow – a legally verified amount of water passing through a specific spot every year. Longhouse only works with water flows, not water reservoirs.

  • Coverage 1:1 – when every token in circulation grants access to one (1) liter of flowing water.

  • “Charity tokens” – a future additional token given away to charity, non-tradable, non-circulating and locked, but giving access to clean drinking water for perpetuity

  • Water quality standard – the standard that Longhouse requires to connect a well into the ecosystem.

  • Water150 token – the token Longhouse is distributing.

  • Drop token – a generic token which rations access to fresh drinking water, giving the owner access to real water from the system.

  • Water rights – a legal document that shows the verified allocation of water available to tap from a well. It is based on the water flow.

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