Go to Market Strategy

Batch #1

Batch #1 will last for three years and focuses on achieving the access rights for each token to one liter of water. When we kick off the pre-sale phase of the first batch, the token will only be to access less than one liter of water flow. We will improve this to achieve the goal throughout this phase. When the token is able to access one liter of water, this would be maintained that level for perpetuity due to the renewable sources utilised.

Batch #1 consists of 5,800,000,000 tokens and they all will be released at the same time. When they all have reached a ratio of 1:1 access to one liter of water. batch #2 can be released as backing is secured.

The Water150 project startup phase was initially funded by private parties, where the initial funds cover the operational costs until the pre-sale phase starts. All funds from the startup phase will go directly into the operations in areas such as acquisitions, creating the structure and verifying the business model, website development, marketing strategy, legal advice, token development, and finalizing the technical platform. The founders will not receive any salary or other compensation during the startup phase.

The pre-sale phase is divided into six parts - pre-seed, seed, private 1, private 2, private 3, and strategy. Early buyers get lower prices with longer vesting periods. In this phase, all sales will be made through SAFT contracts.

The primary purpose of the pre-sale phase is to obtain the water agreements needed to support all tokens with one liter of water flows. It also aims to promote project marketing and organization building.

When the pre-sale is completed and the Water150 token has been introduced through an IDO, we will enter the expansion phase.

We already have a signed contract with Sätra Brunn in Sweden and we have several more initial cooperation in progress with water sources on a global basis.

Batch #2

After finalizing batch #1, Longhouse will launch batch #2. Batch #2 will consist of 204 200 000 000 tokens and run until all tokens are released or until the project doesn't need more funding. Our goal is to do this within a ten years period. There is though one important difference between batch #1 and #2 and that is that batch #2 tokens will be released in small portions equal to new wells connected to the Longhouse project. The reason for that is that we want to make sure that the token from the day will be able to fully access one (1) liter of water and will always will remain so.

During this second batch, we want to extend the Longhouse ecosystem as much as possible through third-party water sources and buying and drilling our wells. We are going to develop a global operation and water source coverage This means we will have water wells on all continents and we will give out our first tokens for charity (this could also happen during the first batch).

Working fast to expand operations and buy and drill new water flows in this phase is essential.

During batch #2, for every well that we sell the water rights to through the Water150 token, we will utilise the positive cash flow to expand capacity by drilling new wells, marketing our project, and our grassroots movement. In this phase, the target market will become broader, and we will also expand our marketing strategy outside the crypto space. Our marketing efforts, especially outside the crypto community, are aimed to help us connect to communities and locals. We want to be the catalyst for grassroots movements that can sustain themselves.

The business model entails a front-heavy cash flow, where we will immediately redirect the proceeds from the sales of the Water150 tokens to cover OPEX forever. We have therefore identified capital management as the critical factor in ensuring sustainability.

The Longhouse Foundation will receive large amounts of money over time, which is a prerequisite to granting permanent funding for our operation. With the help of several actuaries at a Swedish company called FCG, we have verified that a yearly return of 0.2% above inflation is enough to sustain the project forever. Interest gained on accumulated funds will maintain project viability over time.

If we cannot keep the yearly return above 0.2% over inflation, we will have notches in the curve. Longhouse will be able to handle consecutive or intermittent years like these without getting into trouble because of the large amounts of capital available to the foundation. If capital management won’t be enough for a specific year or years, Longhouse retains the option to introduce necessary fees into the system, receive donations or refine and sell water.

In this phase, the journey of finding out the true value of water has started for real.

Last updated